Create our delicious Beet Wellington

Create our delicious Beet Wellington

Try this tasty dish, vegetarians will rejoice at seeing and tasting this truly delicious dish ...

Beet Wellington


Start with the beetroot centre:

Remove any leaves from your beetroot, wash gently, and place in a pan of simmering water with all of the other ingredients (but not the spinach)

Simmer for around 20-30 minutes, until the beetroot is tender

Whilst the beetroot is still warm, peel off and discard the outer 2 layers using a new jay cloth - wear protective gloves to do this

Make the duxcelles:

Caramelise the sliced chestnut mushrooms in a heavy based pan with the crushed garlic, thyme, and vegetable oil

Add the blanched chestnuts and cook until combined

Season with salt and truffle oil to taste

Blitz the mixture to a spreadable texture

Next, make the crepes:

Combine the ingredients, and whisk to remove any lumps

Heat a non stick pan, and cook the crepe until golden brown on both sides. You will need at least two crepes

To construct the wellington:

Lightly blanch the spinach and wrap it around the cooked beetroot ensuring there are no gaps

On a layer of clingfilm place 2 of the crepes. Spread a layer of mushroom and chestnut duxcelles on top of the crepe

Place the beetroot wrapped in spinach on top. Wrap it up tightly in cling film and rest in the fridge for an hour

Remove cling film and wrap tightly in vegan puff pastry. Rest in the fridge for another hour

Glaze the wellington in chickpea water and score

Cook at 210c for 18 minutes

Next, make the beetroot gel:

Bring everything to boil and simmer for 3-4 minutes

Pass through a muslin cloth and set in a baking tray

Finish by making the vegan jus:

Roast all of the herbs and vegetables, coated with the vegetable oil, in a large tray at 220c for 45 minutes, stirring every 15 minutes until deeply caramelised

Cover the roasted vegetables with water and roast again at 180c for 1 hour

Pass through a fine sieve and reduce by half

Dissolve the corn flour with the water and add to the reduced sauce. Bring to the boil and allow to thicken

Season to taste

Plate your Beet Wellington:

Smear a dessert spoon full of beetroot gel on one side of the plate

Garnish the beetroot gel with a few thin slices of beetroot, Breakfast radish, truffle, mixed salad cress, and a little horseradish to taste. Drizzle with oil

With a sharp knife, cut two slices of Beet Wellington, and position on the other side of the plate

Serve vegan jus in a sauce jug alongside the dish

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